In June 2022, we published our draft DWMP ahead of a three month consultation which closed at the end of September 2022. Since then we have been updating and refining our final DWMP to take on-board consultation feedback and comments. A key part of this is to ensure our final DWMP provides robust evidence to support and inform our PR24 business plan, covering the period from 2025-30, to ensure short term investment needs align with the longer-term needs of our catchments out to 2050 and beyond.
You can also view our Customer Quick Guide Story in Welsh.
Understanding more about the challenges our DWMP has considered
Below are a series of short videos to help understand and explain future challenges and how we can all work together to address them.
Future challenges
Sustainable drainage
Avoiding blockages
Storm overflows
Looking after our assets
Structure of our DWMP
Below are a series of documents aligned to the requirements set out in the framework. The hierarchy of documents is summarised in the diagram:
Getting to know your catchment
To help you understand the region we serve and the boundaries of our wastewater catchments, the map below will help you to navigate the different reporting levels which we have documented. If you click on a catchment the pop-up window will provide a link to the appropriate Level 2 Strategic Planning Area and Level 3 Tactical Planning Units documents.
In addition to being able to zoom in/out there is also the functionality to enter a postcode to quickly find which catchment a property is served by (we recommend you open the web map in a new window using the link beneath).